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A new study published in Frontiers in Environmental Science has revealed that, in addition to the influence of gradual global heating, Antarctica is increasingly affected by extreme environmental events; a predicted outcome of our heating world.
Heightened exposure to ultraviolet radiation is the leading cause of preventable skin cancer and other skin problems. Now, new research shows has shown that the skin microbiota composition can change after exposure in as little as seven days.
Dr Angelo Vermeulen is the author of a recently published article describing a new model that theoretically produces all required food and oxygen during long-duration and remote space missions, removing the necessity for resupply from Earth.
The bipartisan CREATE AI Act aims to overcome the access divide and see the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence properly weighed for all Americans.
Scientists have used RNA analysis to reveal the microbiota used in making the highly popular pizza topping.
In a new study, researchers confirmed the link between children’s brain development and maternal fiber consumption. They found that neurodevelopmental delays correlated with the amount of dietary fiber expectant mothers consume during pregnancy.
Researchers have shown from stable isotope ratios in the baleen of pygmy right whales that this ‘most enigmatic’ species of baleen whales remains in waters off southern Australia year-round and feeds on Australian krill and copepods.
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